We all have our own story.
I’d like to hear yours.

If you find it hard to discuss – or even think about – your current financial situation and future plans, you’re not alone. But what if you could sit down with someone who will really listen to you, respect your unique circumstances, and offer unbiased expert help that is tailored to your goals and budget?

Book a Complimentary Initial Consultation
Bob Joyce Working

Ask Yourself…

  • Do I feel the need to do “something” about my money management, but I’m not sure what to do or where to start?
  • Do I want to talk with someone who will talk with me, not down to me?
  • Would I benefit from some plain talk about my financial plans?
  • Am I afraid to look at my bank and credit card statements?
  • Am I thinking about retirement?
If you’ve answered yes to any of the above, I can help.

I’ve been working with people professionally to assist them with their tax and estate planning, financial and retirement planning, and wealth accumulation and management for nearly 50 years. I combine my professional designations, as a CPA, CA, and CFP®, with a personal approach that recognizes we are all unique, and deserve to be respected as such and treated accordingly.

View Services
Bob Joyce Working at his desk

“We don’t all wear blue suits.”

My dad had a saying, “We don’t all wear blue suits.”

Dad was born in Sydney, NS, so maybe it’s a Cape Breton saying. I think it is brilliant in its integrity and simplicity. When I asked him what it meant, he replied that everyone is different. It’s an idea my dad modelled in all his dealings with people, and it’s the way I have always strived to deal with others, both personally and professionally.

We don’t all wear blue suits. We all have our own attitudes and goals. We all have our own story. I’d like to hear your story. And I’d like to help you reach your goals.

Read More About Bob

Service and Fee Structure

Consultation Icon Financial Consultation

Consultation Services:

Not everyone needs or wants a comprehensive plan. You may want to focus on specific areas of concern, such as:

  • Retirement planning
  • Estate planning
  • Insurance needs and review
  • Cash flow management
  • Debt management
  • Portfolio management options available to you

Consultations are billed at the rate of
$75 per 30 minute time block plus HST

Read more about my Financial Consultation Services

Book a Planning Consultation

Coaching Icon Financial Coaching


Most financial plans fail because they aren’t carried out. I can help you with that. By providing ongoing support and monitoring, we can achieve your financial goals together.


Situations and needs differ, but fees for this service are typically in the range of:
$150 to $300 plus HST
per three-month period.

Read More About Financial Coaching Services

Book a Planning Consultation

Planning Icon Financial Planning

Financial Planning includes:
  • Initial consultation with a full financial review
  • Discussing what is important to you, what concerns you, and what your goals and objectives are
  • Collect data required to establish your current financial situation
  • Prepare and present a plan with specific recommendations to help you achieve your goals

I provide a detailed, written plan that covers all aspects of your current financial situation and outlines the steps required to achieve your life goals.


Financial plans range from
$1,500 to $4,000 plus HST
depending on the complexity of the situation.

Read more about my Financial Planning Services

Book a Planning Consultation
Bob Joyce, CPA, CA, CFP®

Bob Joyce

 902-812-1680   bob@fairwindsfinancialcoach.ca  
I am a Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA) and have earned the certified financial planner® designation. As a CPA, I provided tax and accounting services to individuals and corporations before joining a large full-service wealth management firm. This combination of professional degrees, almost 50 years of experience advising clients in the fields of estate, tax, and financial planning, and a genuine desire to understand and help my clients, make me distinctively qualified to help you achieve your personal financial goals and objectives. Because I am not employed by or affiliated with any financial institution, I will provide advice and recommendations objectively and without bias.
Book a Complimentary Initial Consultation


Organizing your tax information can save time and money

February is a good time to start putting together the documents you’ll need to file your income tax return. It’s also a good time to create and maintain a system to collect tax information year-round. You don’t want to miss out on deductions and tax credits you’re entitled to. And you certainly want to avoid…

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College, university or…circus? Having a Plan B for the RESP

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The ABCs of your child’s RESP

It’s back-to-school time for families. But even if your child or grandchild is too young to be in school, it’s not too early for you to be getting ready for their education. That’s because there are government incentives to start saving early for your little one’s post-secondary learning, with various incentives that apply to families…

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